During our time without a permanent Pastor, Wednesday night Bible Study is led by Nick Dothage. We have a small group study with songs, devotions, Bible Study and testimonies. Join us and get connected!
During our time without a permanent Pastor, Wednesday night Bible Study is led by Nick Dothage. We have a small group study with songs, devotions, Bible Study and testimonies. Join us and get connected!
For our children and youth programs, if school is canceled or dismisses early on a Wednesday, we will not meet that night. A One-Call will be generated to members as well as a post on our Facebook page and KS 95.1 radio station for cancelation of other services and ministries.
Our church office is not staffed on a regular basis, but you may still leave a voicemail if no one is available. The messages are checked regularly. Please call 573-377-2828 for questions, prayer requests, etc.