Isom Folsum
If you need a ride to church for Sunday morning or Wednesday night - please contact one of our drivers:
Isom Folsom - 573-746-1947
Nick Dothage - 573-690-1999
If you need a ride to church for Sunday morning or Wednesday night - please contact one of our drivers:
Isom Folsom - 573-746-1947
Nick Dothage - 573-690-1999
Start a tradition with your family and join us for a Candlelight Service at 6:00 PM, December 24. This is an important time to reflect and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas with family and friends. We will sing Christmas hymns, have scripture reading, a short message, and partake of the Lord's Supper. Everyone is welcome to attend!
Along with your daily prayers, show your support for international missions by donating to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. We are collecting special offerings through the month of December. Our church has doubled our goal this year to $2,000.00. For more information, visit
For our children and youth programs, if school is canceled or dismisses early on a Wednesday, we will not meet that night. A One-Call will be generated to members as well as a post on our Facebook page and KS 95.1 radio station for cancelation of other services and ministries.
Our church office is not staffed on a regular basis, but you may still leave a voicemail if no one is available. The messages are checked regularly. Please call 573-377-2828 for questions, prayer requests, etc.